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Lemon juice and Gratitude


The glorious days of unstructured fun and leisure have abruptly ended for most of us in the Midwest, as the new school year has begun.  The late night Netflix marathons, and sleeping-until-noon days are replaced with early mornings, routine and structure.  Every year I grieve the loss of summer for a few days, but ultimately find a sense of pleasure in the new routine.

Humans thrive on routine. Parents know instinctively that their children function better within the boundaries of routine.  It gives us comfort. “Routines are like mental butlers,” says Michael McCullough, a professor of psychology at the University of Miami. “Once you have a routine in place, then the mental processes that make the behavior happen take place automatically.”

So, as we all settle into our new routines, I’d like to challenge you to add one or two that will promote better health.  And, how you begin the day is one of the most powerful additions to your routine.  It sets your intention for the day. If you begin your day focusing on something that brings life and health to your body,  you are more apt to “stay the course” for the rest of the day.


One of the most health-boosting habits you can adopt, is to drink some warm water with half a lemon squeezed in it when you first wake up.

It has numerous benefits including-

  • *helping to flush out toxins and help improve liver function
  • *aids digestion and elimination
  • *encourages the production of bile, and may help dissolve gallstones
  • *As one of the most alkaline foods around, it helps with immunity and weight loss.  Add more alkaline foods, and your whole body starts to wake up, repair, fight, and become a power-house of healing and rejuvenating.
  • *is a great source of vitamin C.

If you’re feeling a little more ambitious, I recommend a simple green smoothie for breakfast or on your commute.  A handful of greens, half a green apple, pear and frozen banana, blended with some coconut water will start your day with a good amount of alkalizing, cleansing, enzyme-rich nutrients.  Again, this sets your intention for the day. You start your day with live foods blended into an easily digested smoothie that promotes cleansing. I promise, it’s super-yummy, and even my husband asks for it every morning!


And, even on the days when I don’t have time for either, (because those days do happen), it’s always a good practice to open your eyes each morning with a heart full of thankfulness and expectation for good things to come your way. Because they do when you are looking for them.

So, add one or two things to your morning routine that will promote life and health and gratitude, and head out the door with a big green-smoothie-mustached smile on your face… but, personally, I use a straw;)

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In health and love,
