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So, What Can I Eat?!

“It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.”

  ~Will Rogers

Growing up with an interest  in health and nutrition, I have accumulated a myriad of books, articles, magazines, and “favorite” websites over the last decades.  Personally, I have ascribed to a vegetarian diet all of my teenage and adult  life, though I always ate cheese.
pink panther scratching head
A couple of years ago, I participated in my first round of the 21-Day Purification Cleanse, during which you eliminate all dairy, sugar, grains, and processed foods.  Since it truly wasn’t so far off of what I normally eat daily, the increase in energy I was experiencing, and those “last few pounds” I finally lost,  I logically attributed to the removal of dairy products  in my diet.  So I chose not to add it back into my daily diet even after the cleanse was over.
My point is not to convince you to become a vegan, a vegetarian, or any other “ism”.   Rather, I would encourage you to investigate what foods you are eating daily, even the foods considered “healthy”, and seek to discover if they are actually doing you more harm than good.
All those resources I mentioned earlier? Many contradict themselves. And, while there are certain undisputed fundamentals in nutrition- like the need to hydrate, eat more enzyme-rich foods like vegetables and fruit, and eat less sugar and processed foods- outside of these facts,  you can find just about anything on the internet to support a particular diet or claim.

But take heart!

Finding your best diet doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  I believe that we all have the ability to recognize which  foods make us feel bad, even if we don’t know exactly what foods make us feel good.   It’s empowering to know if we can feel good some of the time, we have the ability to help ourselves feel good most of the time, just by removing the foods that create any negative response.

not to eat

Eating what you shouldn’t does far more harm than NOT eating what you should.

That precept is why I started out this blogging journey with a “don’t”- Don’t eat sugar. Next, Don’t eat vegetable oil.  These two are big on my personal radar, and I believe are so pervasive, and so detrimental that I couldn’t start anywhere else.  But after that?

So, where do I start?

Vibrant Life Oklahoma healthy food

You don’t know how good you can actually feel, until you give your body a “rest”  from all the most likely culprits like dairy, sugar, caffeine, and wheat.
In our office we use and recommend the Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program. This is the one I used to discover that my love of cheese was absolutely not loving my waistline.  It’s the program my husband used to lose 60 pounds! It supports your body through a detoxification phase and nourishes your body with a combination of whole-food vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants to promote optimal health.
Take the Lifestyle Evaluation, then contact us so we can get you on track for a clearer, brighter, leaner, more Vibrant Life!
In Health,
3 John 1:2
“Diet Wise”, Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, PhD