The Many Benefits of IV Detox Therapy
The world we live in today is fast paced, fast food, cocktail hours, and easy “fixes” that can turn into addictions. We have more reasons now than ever before to try to get healthy and detox our bodies.
The detoxification process is now easier and more advanced with the use of IV therapy.
IV detox therapy is a great way to deliver nutrients directly into the bloodstream benefiting those that are suffering form chronic conditions, addiction, weight gain, fatigue, Cancer, even a hangover.
When therapies are given intravenously, they are more effective, and results are seen much quicker. Alternately, when given oral medications, it takes time to be absorbed through the GI tract and many substances may be inactive due to poor intestinal functional. Also, a much smaller dose must be taken orally than what can be given through the IV due to intestinal upset and absorption issues.
IV detox therapy can be used for a wide variety of health concerns.
IV detox therapy can assist in increasing energy and healing the adrenal glands, which leads to better workouts and proper metabolic function so that you can have peak performance no matter what stage of your health plan.
Prevent and reverse the cold, flu and disease process by boosting overall immunity with IV therapy. No more waiting forever to get well form these viruses. IV therapy will detox the body in a quick and safe way during cold and flu season.
IV detox therapy is a holistic approach to rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction. A unique blend of vitamins and minerals is administered to minimize withdrawal symptoms, support the brain and nervous system, and ultimately heal and recover quicker.
IV therapy can help a patient in the healing and detoxification process while undergoing cancer treatment as well. The body is being starved of nutrients during this time and proper nutrition is one of the best ways to heal. IV therapy can infuse the body of much needed nutrients to help recover from cancer as well as chemotherapy and radiation.
There is much debate about vaccines at this time, but there is no doubt that a vaccine can cause issues and is basically injecting poison that can cause side effects into the body. It has been made clear that this is yet another reason to detox the body of these poisons and IV therapy is a natural and effective way to do so.
On those nights when you have overindulged and had one too many drinks, IV therapy can help detox the body and flood it with electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, to help ease the symptoms associated with your latest social gathering!
It is necessary to detox when so much stress has been put on the body, especially the liver, through a poor diet, stress, too much alcohol consumption, smoking, or other toxic factors that cause the liver to work overtime and become sluggish.
It is crucial to detox for the liver to work properly to assist in weight loss, boost immunity, and safely rid of the toxins causing so many unwanted symptoms.
IV therapy can safely and effectively assist in the detoxification process.